About Us
Overview - Our Story - Founder's Message - Our Family - Mission Vision
As a charity organization dealing with children, our team include technical experts in various fields such as education, public health, law, psychologists, sociologists, artists, gender, youth and research creating a unique mix of capabilities to address today’s children interrelated development challenges.

Besides, we are honoured to have the Ramy Ayach Fans (RAF) to participate with us in such a humane effort. RAF volunteers constitute the core of the organization and their involvement in Ayach Al Tofoula’s activities contributes eventually to its success. Each volunteer is called an “Angel” given the fact that he/she is watching and surrounding a child. These angels are considered as part of our family built with love and honesty.

A tribute and homage to all who tend to turn a child’s tear in to an innocent smile.
Copyright © AYACH 2013    VINTOB